At James Legal, we recruit people based not just on their qualifications and experience, but also on their personality fit with the fresh, friendly and can-do attitude that we know makes us truly stand out from the competition.
And property assistant Charlotte Rice is a spot-on example of this approach! Charlotte joined the James Legal fold in early March 2021, after spending the past five years honing her skills at a local firm. The 26-year-old originally hails from Bridlington, and moved to Beverley in 2018, where she lives with her boyfriend.
“I have done a similar role before,” Charlotte explained, “and I wasn’t even looking for a new job to be honest, but this opportunity arose and I just couldn’t turn it down.
“It’s a close knit team and everyone is so friendly. They’re a good group of people to work with and I’m really enjoying it.”
Supporting the property team
Charlotte has quickly settled in, working alongside senior solicitor Mike Stoney in support of his commercial property cases, including plot sales, commercial sales and purchases and commercial leases.
She said: “I look after much of the paperwork and admin side of things, I deal with a lot of documentation and it’s important to ensure everything is accurate and complete.
“Some cases are quite straightforward and others are more complex. Clients could be large businesses, developers or investors, or maybe more small-scale shop or office owners. I do enjoy speaking with clients, keeping them updated and just having a chat, when I get the chance.”
As a highly-organised, efficient and productive individual, Charlotte is perfectly placed to perform her duties to the highest standard, and takes great pride in her work. When she’s not busy in the James Legal office, she likes to spend time with friends and family (especially her baby niece) and enjoy her partner’s cooking – he’s a chef at the popular Lucia restaurant in Beverley, although Charlotte complains he has never taken her out there as he claims ‘it would feel like going to work’!
A bright future
Charlotte’s job change coincides with a move into a new home, as the couple wanted more room as well as a garden to enjoy in their downtime. Charlotte added: “Lockdown was tough as we were living together in a flat and I was working from home while my boyfriend was furloughed, so it’s great now that we are both back out at work and have a bigger house with more outdoor space.”
And with all these positive life-changes happening at once, how does she feel about the future? “So far I’m really impressed with James Legal, I’d definitely like to develop my career here,” she concluded.