Lasting Powers of Attorney

Take control of your future & appoint a person you trust.

If you are considering some estate planning, we advise you consider creating Lasting Powers of Attorney.

They provide you with peace of mind and ensure that your wishes and best interests are protected should you ever become unable to make decisions for yourself. By appointing an individual as your attorney, whether it be a family member or close friend, you are ensuring that someone you know, and trust will have the legal authority to make important decisions on your behalf.

Carefully plan your future, call 01482 225566 and chat to our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Hull & Beverley.

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Lasting Powers of Attorney Solicitors Hull FAQs

Ready to Talk?

What is a Power of Attorney?

In simple terms, a Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone you trust, known as your attorney, to make decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so. There are two different types of LPA, Property and Finance and Health and Welfare. In the majority of cases, LPAs are used when people are ill or lose mental capacity, but not always.

What protection do I have if my LPA is misused?

The words ‘Power of Attorney’ can strike fear into the heart of some people, mainly due to horror stories about people taking money from elderly relatives or being forced into signing these types of documents. Attorneys, however, must always act in the best interests of you as the Donor and if you have concerns that they will not do this, they may not be the right person to act as your attorney. There are rules which prevent Attorneys from doing the following: Mix their money with yours, monies must be kept separate, and records kept; Use the position to benefit them personally; Pay themselves a fee (unless you give them permission to); Make big gifts of money to people including themselves.

We have a joint account - do we need an LPA?

This is a common misunderstanding made by a lot of people. If you have a joint account with another person and they are not mentally able to make their own decisions, then the account has to be frozen. As a result, you’ll have difficulty accessing your own money, never mind the other person accessing it. It is a commonly held misconception that the responsibility will automatically fall to your next of kin.

Do you have to be old to make an LPA?

Nobody actually knows what the future holds, so a person is never too young to make an LPA. One of the most important points to remember is that a Lasting Power of Attorney can only be created by a person with mental capacity. It is arguably better to have a Lasting Power of Attorney ready in case it is needed rather than waiting until you need somebody to deal with your finances and finding it is too late.

Is it expensive to draft an LPA?

If you suddenly become unable to manage your own affairs, without an LPA, an application may have to be made to Court of Protection. This can take over a year and cost thousands. During this time your finances will likely be frozen which can cause serious hardship to you and your family.

The person who is then authorised to handle your affairs on your behalf, who may not be someone you would have chosen, and may even be a Court Official, who will then charge every time they act for you. Drawing up an LPA would have proven to be the much less expensive option.

Why do I need an LPA when my Executors can sort things out?

There is often confusion behind the roles of people appointed in Wills, known as Executors, and those appointed in an LPAs, known as Attorneys. To be clear, an Executor’s duties start when a person dies, whereas an Attorney’s duties finish on a person’s death and are used during your lifetime when you might struggle to get out of the house as much and or make decisions for yourself.

Listen to our Lasting Powers of Attorney Solicitors Hull experts

Nicola Clarkson

Nicola Clarkson

Legal Cashier

What makes me tick? I like to make sure I work quickly and efficiently to make sure…

Jesse Amers

Jesse Amers

Office Assistant

What makes me tick? I love nothing more than an organised to-do list at work! I find…

Lucy Raspin

Lucy Raspin


What makes me tick? I feel motivated by helping people, taking the time to talk to clients…

Our Lasting Powers of Attorney Solicitors Hull Team

Claire Ryder

Claire Ryder


Chris Hutchinson

Chris Hutchinson

Senior Solicitor

Chris Hutchinson

Client Controlled Budgets

Apart from the stress and general uncertainty that often goes with disputes and litigation, people often worry about legal costs. Legal costs can often run away as a case takes longer, becomes more complex or the other party becomes super unreasonable.

We manage legal costs by putting you in control.

  • Set agreed budgets for initial work
  • Set budget for each phase of work
  • Pay as you go
  • Not exceeding budget without your agreement
  • Putting you in control
  • Easy payment methods
  • Transparency on costs